~After 33 years of marriage, Don and I could realistically have our own reality show. There is nowhere to hide. Everything is out. And this is what I have learned~

Today is a very special day. Not because it’s a special day that happens every year. Nor is it is extraordinary because of our anniversary. (Well….) But, it’s a special representation of growth between two people.

We are not the same people we were 33 years ago.

Accustomed to a very strong family life at home, I thought I would marry and live close to family in Houston. What else? Well….that did not happen.

At 24, we both walked down the aisle in a small country church and stood before a few hundred people proclaiming our love and knowledge to know all there is to know about passion and commitment. When in fact, we hadn’t a clue. Where does everyone go when they make this long-standing commitment? They “jump”and hope for the best. And that is what we did.

My home became Ottawa Ontario Canada, 1700 miles from the only home I knew.

Year after year living in Ottawa, I saw first hand the array of Beautiful Fall brings. I felt the feathery clusters of crystal snow dance on my nose every winter. I was amazed. I loved. Years later, we experienced the lazy days of Saturdays with all 3 of our kids in bed with us watching cartoons til late morning. Breakfast can wait. It always did. Then dog-bathing scuffles with Michael Bolton playing loudly in the background and hauling the kids out 3 nights a week with soccer.  Through many of those days, I did feel the pain exhaustion brings as a young mother. Yet, I continued to partner with the very man who was determined to do “this thing” right with me. And he was.

Here’s what I know.

As a Christian couple who believe God created this great union of marriage and family, Don and I discovered:

*At times (many times), we did not like each other

*We would always find fault with one another and point fingers (me!)

*We stepped out of our Calling and fell deep into our own despair, scrambling for answers and wonder what happened

*We said things

*We stunk at parenting


However, knowing God and His love to equip us with the right tools for a successful life together, we believed and knew we were in this for the long haul. You need to prepare and know. When you fish with cans at the end of your line, you set the benchmark of disappointment for your life together. Set your sights in high regard to love no matter what and God will lift you up in the most difficult of days.

He will give you:

*patience in uncertainty

*strength in the tough times

*direction and guidance

*Unconditional love no matter where you are

*give you hope, when all seems at a total loss

This has helped more than you know.

Years ago, Stellar left the building and left us to bare bones. It would have been easy for one of us to walk. Yet for me, I realized I loved him more for his heart and love to serve others than I did 33 years ago. That’s when it comes full circle.

When perfection isn’t an option and you persevere, true blessing is the reward.






“Let the morning bring me Word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in You. Show me the way I should go, for to You I entrust my life” Psalm 134:8



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