~Live for today. For tomorrow may never come~.

It is only with a little bit of fear and trepidation that I wake up some days and realize I am not getting any younger. AH!!!!

Until recently, it never really occurred to me how much things can change over the course of one’s life. As I look back, the landscape of my life has gone from a messy house and dirty kids at my feet to a clean-er house and respectable independents. Never, never underestimate when someone tells you (about your kids), ‘enjoy them now because time flies by’. Does it ever. The fog has now cleared on some of those earlier days and boy do I miss them.


Back in the day it seemed as though I could never stay ahead of anything household. Laundry for instance. Oh, the piles of dirty clothes compared to the minuscule of clean. A never-ending job. Honestly I think I could have saved myself a lot of time by just putting the clean clothes from the drawer straight into the laundry basket. Done. Meals had their day in family court too. Trying to keep things ‘new’ and ‘fresh’ on a daily basis can be terribly taxing. But, we all knew its’ true identity no matter what we ate: processed crap. Oh how I tried! And don’t even get me started on general upkeep. It might have been easier for me to dump the whole house and call in for an intervention than to tackle a weeks worth of unrelenting chaos. However the strategy, we got through. Some of those years I even chose to stay home to babysit for a few of my friends too. Though physically exhausting, I did get my fill of gratification with the younger ones and it also provided me sufficient time at home with my own kids. It really was a good time in my life.

Of my own three children, I have one married now. The announcement of a new one could come any day now at the time of this writing. It has been a good 15 years since we’ve had a little one in our home. I will be ready. No rush but I will be ready. That’s the circle of life, right?

As I took the dog out for fresh air this afternoon, the cool Autumn air hit my face and I was reminded of the wonderful change of seasons. It only seemed like yesterday that cool Autumn air was here before. It has been a whole year now! Did I say how time flies? And it only seemed like yesterday I ritually hovered over that tiny tub washing the days’ dirty little bodies. And with the passing of those seasons, it’s easy for me to see how one day progressed to the next with very little provision. Tomorrow will come once again only to live in mindless thought. Oh how I want to embrace each day!

I lavish the days behind me. But now I want to be more intentional about the days ahead. Standing a tad taller and a little bit wiser hoping to be more educated on life things. For that is my reward for persevering.  I wake every morning and still see daylight peer through my window; I have air in my lungs and am thankful for the gift of a new day. This is the power of yesterday that keeps me inspired.

Knowing full well as I get older, I am still loved by my family and those around me as I was 40 years ago. But gosh, still so much to do. I am 56. Still young and still very happy with such a blessed life story I have written and still yet to write.

I love these verses and pray that I will live this in my home for my family. Many blessings to you.

“She opens her mouth in wisdom, And the teaching of kindness is on her tongue. She looks well to the ways of her household, and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children rise up and bless her; Her husband also, and he praises her.”  Proverbs 31:26-28


How do you feel about getting older? Do you feel you still have lots to accomplish?

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