You are who you are today, in part, because of where you came from. What story do you have that will inspire others?

Mom and Me.

There isn’t a childhood memory I have that doesn’t include garage sale shopping with my mom. Boy, did she love garage sales. Of course, it was before consignment shops and cute little second hand boutiques doting every other neighborhood corner now. Many summers she would pile my brothers and I into the family’s very small blue 2-door pinto in the Texas heat that was hot enough to undeniably cause heat sweltering, non-pacifying, unforgiving butt-sweat. Nothing made us more crabby. And there wasn’t much “earning” in slippery sweaty bodies either. It came with incredible ease. BUT, in the end it was all good. It meant Pizza Hut pizza for lunch.

One afternoon she came home with a pretty picture from a garage sale. Anxious to hang it up, she found the perfect spot. That spot was on the wall to the left of the door leading into our modest living room – that door was a pocket door. That day she barreled a 2 inch nail into the ever-so-busy 70’s wallpaper wall without a thought. Now, one would think the picture would add a nice touch to the ambiance of the room but what was REALLY happening makes it almost newsworthy. Every time the door opened and closed, the door would make a scraping noise and the nail would dig deeper and deeper, leaving a dragging mark across the side of the door. That picture frame never moved and the nail never came out for as long as I can remember.

That silly little door became a part of our family history that day. We have shared this story along with many others and laughed ourselves silly even at her bedside before she passed away. Those memories are what keeps our greatest champions, mom and dad, alive today.

Enjoy the funny little stories in your life, no matter how small. Cherish them. Keep them close. You will never know when others need to hear YOUR scraping door story.

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