It was winter. We had a time in our household where we were all physically down and out. For about 2 weeks, we slept in four different rooms to nurse and heal our pain. It happens. And so the story goes…. 


We were targeted from the get go. Chosen from the start, I believe, even before the world began. Overpowered and consumed. One by one we were taken down. We fought the good fight. But we were overcome.

In the first corner behind door #1 is Brittany. Constructive-jaw surgery Brittany. Plagued by total desire for meat-on-bones good food. Not some dumpy flavored gelatin or runny soup that pooled at her feet below. Unable to eat any solid food for a few weeks was not very appealing. She longed to understand why she was unable to do any physical activity for 2 long years too – or at least it seemed that way. She was a ravaging beast imprisoned in her own bedroom desiring for a normal life again.

In the second corner behind door #2 was Don. The start of a great weekend took an unexpected turn when a random sneeze went full blown. Hacking and coughing rocking the whole house down. It never let up once. Do you know what it’s like getting into a great netflix movie with a whole side show going on with him blowing his eyes out? 

In the third corner behind door #3 is Pam. Pam is Don only 4 days later. Ditto the above.

Last and certainly not least is Breanna behind door #4. Our darling sweet Breanna who lived out her days in total abandon. The most clear chested, non-hacking individual EVER. Unlike us. How is that even possible? She wondered and circled aimlessly in her own corner of the house daring to step out into the gasses of everyone else’s ….. well, gas. She cooked for herself, ate by herself and sang sad, sad songs.

Overtime we all slowly emerged from the doom and gloom of our rancid dungeons. One by one.

With each day, Brittany became a little more mobile and started to incorporate more solids in her diet. Don was happy to have taken control over his cold and was sleeping much better. I, as well. It was as if we awoke to find life again. The birds. The sun. You know….

Breanna seemed to have gotten through the whole ordeal unscathed. Still a bit of a puzzler with as much “bad stuff” permeating the air but thankful.

We are all back to normal and on track contributing to society and loving the health we were given back.

I don’t particularly like when we were as sick and incapacitated as we were but I truly believe it IS all for a reason. To slow us down; to and rest to re-charge.

~ Pam xo


2 Responses

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    • Hi Ima. Glad you took the time to comment. Many of my other posts can be quite lengthy. It depends on the subject. Thanks for stopping by!

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