Sometimes it’s the simple gestures that make all the difference to start your day off right. How do you start your day? This is what I have learned.


In the last couple of years I came to the realization I needed something very different in my life than what I had. Things were good. Things, in fact, were real good but there was this small tug in my heart that told me I needed to reach for more. Whatever that looked like, I had no idea. I just felt it.   

If you have read any of my blogs you will have a good understanding of my own upbringing. We were a wonderful crazy ball-loving family. We fought but we loved too. Crazy at times but good. We were the kind of family that were perceived as ideal. But somehow over time as the years went on, complacency in my own life set in. You meet the man of your dreams, you marry, you have children, you work. It becomes a cycle that repeats the hours in a day over and over. That’s life. Passion for anything was jilted and left abandoned. I knew of nothing else. And before you know it, you’re 40 years old, then 50. Now 60. It got to the point where I wasn’t really happy with MYSELF. I loved my surroundings, I LOVED my family, I was thankful beyond what I could ever ask but I knew I needed to raise the bar for ME and become more for myself and more of what God wanted me to be.

I found and became a part of a wonderful community that made me see that I had been only receiving what was given to me and not looking beyond anymore than that. I pushed myself more than what I was comfortable with and began to see I was destined to be greater than I was.

Every morning on my 25 minute commute to work, the radio is never on.  I start my day with radical thankfulness. My focus is to relish in the goodness of God and thank Him for my life and all the crazy things in it. I am blessed. I procure my thoughts with thanksgiving. I give gratitude for blessings, big and small. Lastly I affirm the goodness that I will be receiving that day and anticipate it in my life. This changed everything.

If you feel you’re in that rut too, I want to challenge you. Do what you were meant to do in this world to spread your love, light and gifts. Everyone has them. Lift yourself up. Have it matter for something. Erase the hard drive that has stunted your growth for far too long and start new. Change is possible.

It’s a great place to be.

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