It’s been a tough couple of years. Nothing can prepare you when havoc seeps into your life so quietly. Yet so boldly. You run and run and run to keep up only to stumble into a trail of good news one day and a disparaging word the next. We are still fighting even today. But it’s worth it.

What do you get when 2 of your brothers marry 2 sisters? What do you ALSO get when your 3rd brother marries into a family that doesn’t have any other children? You become a very. close. family.

This is Us.

Brother stories that are seriously tampered with and truths so stretched that it really is knee-slapping, movie-material funny. Cousin game and card playing into the early morning hours while the older “gals” mull and prep for the next feast wave. Especially in these days now, moments are full and intentional.

Missing them all right now as we deal with some hard family issues that have been beyond our control. Tear-stained pillows and sleepless nights have long been a part of us. We struggle to find the words to cover our pain and strengthen our resolve. We speak life but do we really believe it? Can we believe it? We love but have we done enough to make it easier? I’d be lying if I said our hearts never seized up or worried about the uncertainty of our days. In fact, yes and yes! But, we are a family of faith. The wound can be deep but we live in the faith of our belief and we are learning to lean in and trust. THIS is what keeps us going.

“Sometimes in the fiercest winds we hear you in the quiet say, ‘be still’. These days are unmovable. Hard. But we KNOW we are blessed. We KNOW we are favored by you and you only. Help us as a family to believe now more than ever that the faith we have always known, even in our youth, will carry us through and keep us family-strong. God, you love us and we know that you will provide the absolute grace and strength that will carry us through even in our darkest hour. All this for your glory and for you alone. May we praise you forever in our days.”

Remember never give in to things that challenge you. Suffering doesn’t destroy life. It refines it.

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