~ The announcement came last February. According to Ben, July couldn’t come quick enough. Now the grand finale has finally taken place in all it’s beauty. Baby Chloe Rose has arrived healthy and happy. So blessed to love her more each day. ~

When life and all its glory seems a little mundane, you have a baby and all is well with the world again.

As so it happens, Lydia went into labour last Sunday evening. Ben, Breanna and Brittany finished up their soccer game at Carleton University and was pretty close to being warm and tucked into bed. It was close to midnight. Brittany got a text from Lydia:

Lydia: Are you up?

Brittany: Yes Why?

Lydia: Would it be okay if we drop Jade off (their dog) on our way to the hospital? I think my water broke.










24 hours later, Ben and Lydia had their Chloe Rose in their arms. We knew she would be beautiful but didn’t expect her to be full-of-hair beautiful. Bright-eyed beautiful. So-perfect beautiful. And that she was.  Mom and Dad are doing fine. Mimi and Gigi are ecstatic. Aunt Breanna and Aunt Britt are clearly over the moon.

“Every good and perfect gift is from above…” James 1:17

It only seemed like yesterday our days were filled with blanket forts, ketchup-drenched mac and cheese and putting on THE BEST never-before-seen plays for a wide viewing audience. Now our children are having children.

Absolute abundance.

Ben and Lydia, we promise to support you and pray you through this new quest of parenthood. You both are a true gift to us and now you’ve given us one more reason to love. Precious Chloe Rose.


Looking forward to the journey with you.


PaPa and Mimi

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