Ambivilance can hinder your decision to move on something greater beyond yourself. Open your mind to possibility.


I was reading the other day about a gentleman who was an auto-technician for a car dealership for almost 30 years and was laid off.  A reputable hair salon where his wife worked had closed its doors so she was out of work as well. The effect of one income lost on a family household can be devastating but when 2 incomes have dropped, it’s crippling. We find ourselves grasping for anything that would give us hope diminishing the very thing that brought us purpose. Or, at least a pay check. Reality sets in and the loss is deep.

I personally have been there. Twice.  It wasn’t as bad as much as how it blindsided me. But I learned something very important. Never subject yourself solely to anyone that tells you when you could work and when not to. No matter how good you are at what you do, if the bottom line doesn’t sync, job loss is inevitable. During these times, employers are making a paradigm shift like never before that will force many to change careers or scramble for something to hold on to as layoffs continue. Uncertainty becomes the new absolute. I will never be there again. This is why I am a big proponent of having a second stream of income. Always.

I have to tell you that I love my current job. I undoubtedly will be there until I retire. However, I needed to create stability for MYSELF. I cannot and will not depend on another corporate job to sustain me anymore. Period. Jobs we knew as secure are no longer. This is happening all over North America even today. Especially today. And it is estimated that by 2030, 800 millions jobs globally will be replaced by robotic automation. 800 million! 

In the middle of transitioning jobs, I began my search about 7 years ago for something that would give me better control over what I was pursuing before. Now, the beauty of what I do today provides me dependable pay that continually rolls out every single Monday. AND, it is residual (the big fat cherry on top). It is slowly building me a beautiful nest egg of continual cashflow for years to come. I work when I want and as much as I want. However, if I were to leave my job today (or get fired), my pay would stop. Sound familiar?

This is called Linear income vs Leveraged income. It is absolutely brilliant.

I have fallen IN LOVE with this industry and business model of network marketing. I often work from my phone and the people I work with are from all over the world. A community like no other. My team now stands at almost 140. When I first began, I had no idea what I was doing – I just wanted to make a little extra income. But I had the drive. My purpose and “why” were what catapulted me to stay in the game. And it worked. It is not location dependent so the world is really is my oyster! Something no corporate job could ever give me the experience of what I have now.

If you are here and are open to a second stream of income, even partime, THIS is where you need to be. If you are reading this and are feeling the downward pull of job uncertainty OR would like to take a look at a second stream of income, look no further. Fear will paralyze you for as long as you keep it there. Many of you have had disappointments over your career journey that has handicapped your life story. But know that in every season no matter where you are, it HAS to feed where you are going. You were made to impact the world around you. Draw those to yourself and create better change for you and your family. That change is YOU but it comes down to a DECISION.

Network Marketing is making a huge impact in the world today because of this very reason. No brick and mortar, no overhead, no employees and it can save on your taxes. The model is simple and many are jumping on board to be a part of this. The GIG economy is proof.

Don’t leave it to risk. Don’t give into fear. Give yourself permission to dream a little bit bigger. Cast the vision to grow and create your new life story. Don’t be blindsided like I was. Your purpose will fuel you and trump any obstacle you will have and you will succeed.

Don’t quit a job you love but always have a backup plan in case your job quits you. 

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