~What happens when you say the right things and do the do the best you know how and the rug still comes out from underneath you? Trust.~

In a perfect world everything would be well, perfect. Balmy temps, clear skies, bare toes sifting through cool white beached sand and life’s troubles nestled away on a back shelf never to be seen again. Realistically? There ARE cloudy skies that loom overhead. We’re terribly overweight, never all that emotionally content and sometimes reek of body door that has the neighbour reaching for a paper bag every time she drops off that cup of sugar I DIDN’T have. I can’t win!

Truth is this is our branding. Our steps. Our life’s purpose to survive in whatever way we can. We wake up one morning, we’re married – dealing with children and dollar figures we never knew went ‘that high’. The reality of life becomes real to us in every sense of the word.

As it turns out two years later in my life, I was out of work again. Nah, I never really did live in that perfect world anyway. My office was on the closing list due to a company merge. That makes two jobs in 3 1/2 years and often times I questioned why because I loved my line of work. But truthfully deep down I knew it was going to be okay.

Just last week this is what I read in my quiet time as I pondered very much the reality I was dealing with. And as I began to read it, it compelled me to read more slowly with each word. “For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end – it will not lie. If it seems slow wait for it; for it will surely come. It will not delay.” Habakkuk 2:3  The pain and discouragement was still there, no doubt. But there is something numbing yet quite powerful about scripture. What is it telling me? It will not delay. Someone knows something about my life. Has my story already been written? Scripture we know is inspired by the very One who made me. So wouldn’t He really know me best??

I don’t know what tomorrow will bring. There is a lot of doubt and uncertainty. We are, as mere mortals, seeing only the uneasiness and ambiguous side to this whole equation. But in light of what scripture tells me, I choose to move forward in a positive way believing God’s word stands true to my life. And to yours. It’s not easy but it is conceivable. Very much so.

So I wait.

As I laid in bed last night staring, I closed my eyes to the passing of yet another day.  Will tomorrow come with better answers for me than today? Will I then know what my place in this world really is? Chances are tomorrow WILL come but I choose to rest in the promise of knowing He knows my story already. He has written it. He has already been there. Now, I just need to trust and relinquish to follow.




Have you been in a situation that requires trust? Going beyond what you thought you couldn’t do? Did you do it….and what happened? I’d like to hear your story.





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