~My daily walk~

One thing I’ve enjoyed doing over the years is going for walks.  I love to walk. Anywhere, almost anytime. Sometimes a quiet slow one, sometimes a brisk work-a-sweat one. Walks have always been very enjoyable for me.

But, I DO have a dirty little secret though.

I HAVE A TREADMILL! I do have that honkin’ stand with a moving rubber roller thing-y sitting in the garage that has gathered dust for longer than I care to admit. But I have to say, there’s nothing like getting out in the fresh air and actually going somewhere. Sometimes I will walk with a friend. I’ll walk with my dog and my husband. Or, I will walk alone.

When we moved from our old house a little over a year ago, we went from a busy road to a cute little house on an isolated dirt road. Very little activity compared to before. It has been nice but I still have some unsettling fear of walking alone on this road by myself. Paranoid? Maybe. I just am. But, I do enjoy putting space and breathing room in my head sometimes just to hear nothing.

I think on many things too. I think of my family. I think of my life. I think of where I’m going; where I would like to be. I think of my mom. And I pray. Often times I’ll have a tune in my head where I sing to absolutely noone. Noone at all. Maybe that’s a good thing.

This is my view both ways for my daily stride. Refreshing. Refreshing to escape for a brief moment outside the bustle of the day. To hear what I really need to hear. To understand. To see. Things that I couldn’t at home. Or elsewhere. Thankful for these times to rejuvenate and recharge.






Do you need times like these?




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