How can anyone prepare for “The Day”? You can’t. All you can do is trust in Christ who can put you there and live your days to the full. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life”. John 3:16


The highest call on my life has been realized.

I have finally arrived. The waiting is over.



This is the day I have longed for. The faint tug to love unconditionally all those years have fallen in beautiful places. Quiet whispers to persevere through the hardest hour gave me the strength I needed and has rewarded me this glorious day.


The waters here are magically lucid running clean and beautiful. The flow is full and relentless. Towering ivory castles and crystal white beaches all the same. The birds soar wild and high over wide open spaces that stretch farther than any eye can see. This joy it cannot contain.


The wheelchair that once sustained me for many years has been consumed and has withered into a powdery dust. I am no longer captive. I run free with all that I embody. I don’t stop. I look down at my hands and they are young again, relishing every single line He has made, in them. I have also tasted the finest food my lips have ever touched. My sight has never been so clear. My once imperfect weathered body is no longer. I have become a beautiful thing!


No more night. No more pain. No more tears. Never crying ever, ever again. Shame and slander does not reside here. Loneliness has eluded me. Death has been conquered. I now possess a wellspring of life that fills me – it is wonderfully abounding. I am full. No longer in need. All I have ever wanted, I have.


Surely goodness and mercy has followed me all throughout my days. And this place where grace abounds and the ebb and flow of God’s love live eternal.


I will dwell with Him, at His feet, in this house of the Lord forever.

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