Hi. My name is Pam. (*hello Pam*)….and I hate winter driving. On the really bad snowy days, I get itchy hives. My stomach becomes it’s own entity and starts making really weird noises. Other days, I worry about my family too. Help me. I can be a real mess. Thank you.

I read an article recently of a young 19 year old boy who was tragically killed in an automobile accident. He wasn’t far from home. No drugs, no alcohol involved, not even weather related. He was just at the wrong place at the wrong time. The other driver who was traveling the opposite direction veered into the oncoming traffic and struck the young university student head-on. So sad.

As often as we hear these stories day after day, it’s strangely clear, this is not uncommon. Over and over we hear this and we quietly pray, “Lord keep my family safe”.

We live in an area where we can get a fair amount of snow in any one season. And sometimes a lot of it. As beautiful as it may be, I still haven’t fully adjusted to driving in it. Most days, totally do-able. Other days, my heart throbs quite a bit faster. It can be an emotional roller coaster.

One of my biggest worries are my children (who are all driving) out in this sometimes crazy weather. When it gets fairly mild and the snow melts, we’re euphoric! “Spring it’s on its’ way”.  But when we suddenly get that cold bitter spell, it turns to ice. Sheer ice. Like, skating rink ice. And it’s not pretty. It’s PRETTY. But, it’s not.

Living with two adult daughters has its’ own challenges too. They both work very hard. They both have jobs plus trying to build their own businesses. Between that and their social lives, the road is where they really live. They are out far more than they are at home. And, sometimes late. Oftentimes when Don and I turn in for the evening, I have an idea where they are but I don’t know their ETA (estimated time of arrival). I just don’t know. Do you see where I’m going with this?!?

I freaking WORRY!

I get you now mom!!

When my oldest daughter was away at University, I have to be honest and say that I didn’t worry about her as much as I do now when she’s home! What is wrong with me?!? But worrying is a part of who we are. It’s our genetic code. I think about the safety of my son and his wife too. My mind is a very dangerous place to be sometimes. Yet, I remember in Scripture, it tells us countless times, “not to worry”, “do not fear”. Countless times. Do you think it is possible that God in all His perfect design for our lives is trying to remind us not to?

I am human. I am a mom. I am a parent. It’s what I do!!!

So, I don’t expect texts at every stop when they’re out. I don’t expect them to call and check in. I would REALLY LIKE that. But, I can’t. (I just like to creep them on social media and know EXACTLY where they are!) JUST KIDDING!! (but, not really). However…..I do ask they do one thing. Text me, “here”. So, when I roll over at 2am and wonder, I know.

God, they are all yours. I need to step away and relinquish control. It’s hard to do. Help me to trust more and worry a little less. ~Pam



Raise your hand if you are a total baby on bad driving days??

Is there anyone out there who shares in my misery? What is your story? I’d love to hear about it! 


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