If any of you have ever had the experience of an unexpected fall in your lifetime, you know how painful it could be. At 56, I slam-dunked my first ever adult fall on a patch of ice just outside my doorway back in February. Folks, it’s not the end of the world. If you came out in one piece and unbroken, your life can be made whole again. Really. Life can be fully restored. Hallelujah.  

While it’s no secret to some, I must say it has been and in-te-rest-ing past couple of months. Hmm. Let’s just say….the back door was off its hinges.

AKA, I took a crazy nasty fall.

Toward the end of February, we had hit unusually mild weather here in the North. Not complaining mind you…..BUT, when Mother Nature blows her cold beasty breath across the nation’s capital like she did, it could be disastrous. And it was. To me.

Puddles of water….lakes of melted snow everywhere – just. freezes. And it was calling my name like a moth to a flame. If there were a tee-ninetsy patch of 1″ x 1″ of ice in a 20 mile radius, I would find it.

Don and I were heading out the door early one morning. Mindless thought empowered me. I threw on boots and my coat and out the door I went. Annnnnnd….down I fell. Not very haphazardly either. And because I’m not 15 anymore, I’m pr-et-ty sure my posture was very mature on my way down.

Noone was watching but Don, so Graciousness had no role in recovery. No head hit the curb, no arm thrown out of whack and no twist of the ankle. Just my tooshie. Carefully gathering pieces of evidence and placing said self at the scene, I concluded I hit my tooshie on the edge of the concrete step, flipped over and landed face down. Now you and I know ALLLLLLLLLLL all the gymnastic training and skill instruction in the world anyone could possess, noone could EVER replicate the performance I did that morning.

It actually wasn’t all that bad – at the time. Don freaked out thinking I might have suffered a concussion or broken my wrist. I got back up feeling no injury (with many thanks to my exercise class) but only bits of gravel embedded in the palm of my hands. I shook it off feeling “just fine”.

It’s been a while now. My tooshie has been reduced back to regular skin tone and NOT the colors of the rainbow. Thank you Voltaren. I sloshed that stuff on every day before calling it a night. Man, did I smell. Sleep has been a bit of challenge too. The doctor said there was a build-up of fluid on my soft tissue so I cannot sleep flat on my back. It either has to be one side or the other. OPTIONS people, I like options when it comes to sleep! This is not helping! I’m lopsided when I sleep and I’m lopsided when I sit. I can’t win. But through it all, I’m just thankful it wasn’t any worse and healing would only come in the matter of time.

In this day and age of picture taking and getting snaps of just about EVERYTHING, I didn’t get a photo of myself on the way down. There was just not enough time. So I have posted the place where I fell for your viewing enjoyment.

Talk soon.



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