~Here we are into a new year. It’s all about gaining perspective. Again. Here’s hoping it’s sustainable at least until April ~

Stepping into this new year has been as normal as any other year. It is a representation of new beginnings and starting fresh. Clean. Physically and mentally. So, like before, I try to minimize, organize and even rid the bad and filter more of the good in my life. Always a work in progress.

Looking back at Christmas, it was wonderful and strangely fun. I did manage to get a nasty-looking bloodshot eye, though, on Christmas day. It got worse with each day and if you have never had it before, it’s scary. On Day 3, Don and I set out to look for a clinic that was open and could see me on quick notice but to my surprise, I was one of many “bodies” that need medical attention.

I walked into a small waiting area of a clinic not far from the house. The walls lined on both sides with older people, coughing babies and children, middle-aged adults with paper masks over their salivating mouths. (Not very comforting, people). They all stared at me like I was a piece of stewed meat waiting to be feasted on. Hardly appealing. I cautiously entered the room with the James Bond sunglasses I got for Christmas. Through the room I go not feeling quite as confident as the glasses I was wearing but was worried many would think I was contagious with pink eye or something. I stared down as I wandered to the front.

“I’m sorry we’re not taking any more new patients until this afternoon. You’ll have to come back”, the duty nurse insensitively barked. Well…that was easy! I ain’t coming back anyway!

We both hurried away with hands over our mouths to find another clinic but to no avail. I read later that according to Google (and because everything is true on the internet), a bloodshot eye is just something that will go away over time with no drops or treatment. And it did! Thank you Lord.

Don’s cousin and family had come down for New Year’s weekend. Thankfully, my eye was looking a little better. We all ate too much. Visited the Diefenbunker museum, amused some of the locals at the cutest little café there and ate a little bit more. We watched a couple of movies in Don’s FAM cave. Cooked up a pot of chicken gumbo. Chatted some. Played a couple of shady board games. Ate weird stuff. Laughed a ton. We went to church on Sunday and loathed in each other’s company over coffee until the day they left. Such great company they are.

Now facing a new year. With company gone and decorations packed away, it’s back to reality. Stripped sheets, loaded out garbage, shaved legs and weird dog talk to Sophie, the cutest little shih-tzu EVER. Her big fugly eyes welcome the weird sounding noise.

Yes, we’re back to normal again.

Now to work on the serious stuff. Paying bills down and being responsible adults again. Ugh.

Well, here’s to another new year of accomplishment and well being. To becoming a better person than I was yesterday. To learn something new about myself and others. To love and serve as we should. And to look to God’s sovereign hand in my life knowing my accomplishments (and failures!) are ultimately done for Him.

Happy New Year to you and your family. May you be blessed and amazed even in the little things. He is everywhere you go.

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